Sunday 9 August 2009

Where does the time disapear

Ok i thought to myself roughly 2 weeks ago its about time i found a little time to update this blog. I made some notes at the time & it has still taken until now for me to update :) .

I cannot believe its been 6 weeks since i last found the time to do this either, Doesn't time fly when your having fun. But the real reason i haven't had the time is basically the amount of work needed in the 1st 2 seasons of a gw (before we can appoint fa orgs). With us being a man down mod wise in gameworld Muhren at times we have been more than stretched. But with us now 1 week into season 3 & every fa having at least 1 organiser hopefully we can get on with doing more of the community based things that are needed to make a gameworld flourish.

We have started looking at a few of the guys we have promoted as chat helpers/ fa organisers as potential moderators which takes time as we all need to be involved in a decision as big as this.

Anyhow onto the gws


This is the side i would class as my flagship team, plenty of high quality players yet i find its my most frustrating side, Awesome 1 game the complete opposite the next. But it is moving in the right direction & once i get to grips with the 442 tactic i am currently working on i feel i am in a good position to start challenging for the titles i know i can win. The stadium work is coming along nicely its currently pulling in 250k ish a day & Ive an empty 3 tier stand to fill, 9 million gets me the 2 corporate boxes it can accommodate & also the seating required for the fans i have cannot currently fit in.

I have started up a youth team again, All under 17 so i can watch them grow & go from there, No silly wages as i feel currently the youth side of things is just for fun rather than a career path in fml.

I have also left the SFA association after 9 seasons (: & joined the cwa this is more to do with time i can actually sign into gameworld Shearer. I felt last season in the sfa i struggled being online during the fa's time slot & as such was possibly affecting how others where enjoying the experience.


Strangely i only spend an hour or 2 max in gameworld keane per night & its in here that i am finding the most success. Season 8 runner up in NFA premiership & a domestic cup treble. Season 9 i won the premiership & the league cup. I have been hovering around the 20-50Th rank in the gameworld rankings. I also feel this is the best place for me to sign in & relax as the guys in the NFA are all totally mad & are there to enjoy themselves.

I signed my biggest ever bargain ever whilst i had played in fml. Ramires a 29 year old dm AQ fee over a million 4.5* rep in an auction ending quite soon, Current bid was about 50k. So i thought why not put an offer in which took it up to 80k ish. LOL Jonny in the NFA chat wasn't happy as he also wanted him & knew he couldn't compete with my financial muscle. 15 mins before the auction ended another bidder appeared GRR and took the price up to 170k with him currently getting him. But as everyone is aware its always best to bid last minute as this doesn't Tye up your cash. With the auction entering its final minute i put a max offer of 250k in for him & soon enough had the mail saying he had joined my side for an amazing price of 200k.


Having spent most of season 1 sorting gameworld issues out my side in muhren limped through the qualifying league i was in, But with a few decent signings i had the balance to compete at the level i found myself.I don't have any superstars but my side played well enough to earn me a playoff spot in the xefa division 1a league. But with the winner having 100% ai i was given promotion straight away. What i wasn't expecting though was this promotion to skip the championship & land me into the XEFA Premiership, Knowing my side is no where near good enough & with me messing up my normal stadium building plans (built a 3 tier instead of 2 tier) i had no money to throw at my squad. So i feel i may struggle for wins this season & may possibly end up getting relegated. I also have started a youth team in Muhren to give me a few more games & so far I'm finding it fun trying to bag a few potential stars without JP.


The season that has just finished in miller was slow to start but finished with a real surge. With me being in the now famous NFA ladder fed the leagues or of 6-8 teams & i set off in division 4.These leagues run for around 4 days at a time & then teams are promoted & relegated as required & then started again, So it is possible to be in the bottom division at the start & in the top division at the end of the season. At the seasons end i finished 3rd in the 2ND division 1 point off promotion back to the top division. I have made a few decent signings during the preseason wage auctions & I'm actually looking forward to pitting my wits again quite soon in the nfa.

With miller always having the newest code i really do need to spend a bit more time in here exploring the new options. AI teams have been added so you can always grab a game to see if your new tactic changes work etc. Theres also a challenge mode where you are set challenges to complete to gain tokens.Need to see what we can spend these on but as yet that hasn't been added into the code. The new match engine is also in miller & so far i am quite impressed, Some of the new options for tactics do make it far easier to get your team playing how you want them to.


currently i am struggling financially in Coppell but this is down to over stretching on my stadium so once this is paid off i will be fine no doubt. Side i have is fairly decent which helped me reach the cwa premieship & not get relegated. I tend to only get an hour or 2 a week to tend to this side so i cant really mention to much of note of how Ive really been doing.

So until next time cya

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